Click to finish.9AnalysisDrag any supported file into interface and wait for import to TXMLNOTE: New source files must be saved as TXML first.
#Wordfast classic shortcuts pro#
(target segment)Turn left at the light.Tournez gauche au feu.TUSuggestion next time3What is Wordfast Studio?Two complementary TM toolsWordfast Classic (WFC)A TM tool that is a Microsoft Word add-inTranslation work done in Word documentFor Office files and ease-of-useWordfast Pro (WFP)A standalone TM tool (no Word needed)Translation files imported to tagged file (TXML)Work done on TXML in Pro, exported to original file formatFor complex file formats, large batches4Wordfast Anywhere (part of Wordfast StudioA free web-based toolInternet and free account requiredTranslation work can be done through upload and download of filesInteresting features that complement Wordfast StudioAlignment: Tools > Align your filesScanned PDFs: File > Upload document file, click to locate file, click and wait for conversionKeyboard Shortcut BriefingAlmost all of Wordfasts functions have shortcut assignments to speed its useMost of Wordfasts shortcuts begin with a combination of CTRL, ALT, and/or SHIFTMac: CTRL = Command ALT = Option more below: Always press and continue holding each shortcut key in the order given until you finish the key combinationExample: CTRL+ALT+C = press and continue holding CTRL, then press and continue holding ALT, then press C to finish6 Show visual keyboardTen-step Process of Translation(top to bottom, left to right)7Wordfast Translation ProcessSource documentAnalysisPretrans-lationTMImportTranslatingTM & GlossaryEditing & ProofingCleanupStop here forunclean fileTranslated documentExportUpdated TMCommit to save new8Translation Memory (TM)Create a projectGo to File > Create ProjectType a project name, select your languages, click & Create a TMGo to Translation Memory > New/Select TM (or press CTRL+SHIFT+N) and click Click, type TM name, choose save location, click, click TM now appears in TM List. (target segment)Turn left at the light.Tournez gauche au feu.DOCUMENT ? ! : )Translation unit (TU): bilingual unit composed of a source segment and a target segment

Wordfast Pro Workshop CTAPresenter: Jamie ġIntroduction: Me and students (name and languages) Description and GoalsDiscuss translation process and TMDiscuss Wordfast applicationsLearn and practice beginningintermediate WFP functionsDiscuss questions and requested features (time permitting)2Translation Memory (TM)What is TM?Database that saves translators work bilingually and can suggest any of it as partial or complete translation for new source textSegment: unit of text that ends w/ a stopcharacter (i.e.